Sometimes we want to get current or previous buffer id, name or type so that we can run some custom logic based on certain conditions.
One example would be to switch to previous buffer from current buffer like suppose you are in Neo-tree and without closing it you would want to switch to last file buffer. In vim, such information is stored in following special marker or shortcut,
- % represents the current buffer.
- # represents the alternate (previous) buffer.
Using functions like bufnr('#')
or expand('#')
you can get the ID or name of the previous / alternate buffer (same for %
buffer). To get for specific buffer id let’s say 5 do expand('#5')
Each buffer is contained within a Window which is contained within a Tab. You can access them via win_getid(number)
& tabpagenr(number)
respectively. Leave the number param empty to get current window or tab page.
If you want to switch to previous buffer, press :b#
. If you want to move to specific buffer :b5
Neovim Specific Link to heading
gives you current buffer id.vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)
gives you name for buffer id.vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()
gives you current win id.
Similarly we also have & vim.wo to get metadata related to buffer & window. For eg: to identify if a buffer is a file you can do[bufnr].buftype == ''
Following are the options for bo and wo, use :h <option-name>
to understand what each means. {
bufhidden: string = 'hide',
buftype: string = 'nofile',
filetype: string = 'man',
modifiable: boolean = true|false,
modified: boolean = false,
readonly: boolean = true|false,
swapfile: boolean = false,
vim.wo: {
cursorcolumn: boolean = true|false,
cursorline: boolean = true|false,
winhighlight: string = ""|"CursorLine:CursorHighlight,CursorColumn:CursorHighlight",
wrap: boolean,