Resource Hooker ©

version 1.0

Copyright @2017 KP

Associated With Plexdata & KP'S TV





So guys welcome to the very first easy and noob free resource hacker. It's Resource Hooker which will help you to do stuff with your windows PE file.

You can add, change, replace resource, icons, bitmaps and many more with easy and friendly GUI editor. Very special thanks to Kolby (Plexdata) who start this project and made a basic Resource Viewer, so I found it's a very good project and should get further more development that's why continued this project and made a complete Resource Hooker with it. Now you can do whatever you want with any PE file.

So pack your seats and let's go to the journey of my project, sorry I mean our project





Rather Than talking about using it, its installation is pretty much different, means not likely whole different but most of it is same. So Note that, you must Follow the same instructions as written below otherwise the software will work for only 60 days after normal installation.

1. Download the installer or a zipped package from the link given below.

2. Then Install it in a normal way as we likely do. For zipped package extract it anywhere you find suitable.

3. Now Change your date to any but year should be greater than 2070. The best is to set it to 1/1/2077.

4. Now Run the Software and go to help > Activate keys. It will run a process and then quickly kill it. That's it, now its has Configured properly. Now you can go set your current time and data.

Now you can use it laughing


Usage Info:

It's basically very easy to use like most resource Hackers it also does the same thing but not as powerful as them. This has very basic use as it uses some basic consoles instructions for it's process. Following are some basic stuffs you can do with this.


Importing File for modding:

Okay its basically very easy to use. Go to File > Open Project or from toolstrip click Open file button and select any Windows PE file (.exe, .dll, etc). All Resource will be captured in the main window and then you can browse it.

Save Current resource or Dump Whole:

To that click on any resource from the right pane and select File > Save Current or from toolstrip too. Then browse for the outpath and then you have your particular resource saved to that directory. To Dump whole select File > Export.

Add Change Resource:

Now this is very easy stuff once you have dragged or browsed your resource you can then select Add/Change and then do your stuff willingly as you want. Also you can use Hooks strip to edit strings, replace/inject icon, edit assembly and all.

Backing Up File:

Note all your mods will be applied to original resource, so make sure you had taken a backup of that application from View > Backup or Target the backup application for resource Hooking.

Add Resource:

Adding Resource is an easy job, only if you understand some parameter. Basically I have made a guide for beginners embed in my docs of github profile or access it from Help > Topics or F1. As we know path of resource is x\x\x where x is an integer, same like that 24\1\0 represents Manifest while 14\"MainIcon"\0 represent Icon of the exe. Here 14 is the Resource Type, "MainIcon" is the Resource name (it may be int or string), 0 is the Lang_id i.e Resource Compiled language (like 0 is neutral language, 1033 is US English). Once your Info done you can click OK.

Replace Resource:

Replace Resource also goes like the above one, you must specify the resource path i.e x\x\x and then Browse a proper replacement resource, then Okay.

Edit Manifest:

Editing Manifest is an easy task, just select Edit > Manifest Editor.Now manifest editing includes not much task as of I know, to do a stuff you can change Execution level, i.e you can set admin rights or normal to an exe. To do so edit the resource

requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker"


requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator"
Now Compile it and you see that the exe compiled has admin right execution permission. Also sometimes the compile button may be disabled so to enable it click on refresh button, same case in Custom Editor while selecting a custom lang from combo box always remember to click Refresh.

Editing String Table:

String is the Message or you can same all text wrapped in a file, so that whenever exe want it can call it (Its like our strings.xml in apk). Now to call it would be a difficult job coz there are lot of strings so for that a specific String ID is given to each Message or string. So exe access the specific string by calling that String ID. Now in the above pic you can see, that there is a string table where string id 65440 has value Thu, 65441 has value Fri, and so on. Now to change it, use Edit String Tool in Hooks > Edit Strings. A box will be displayed as shown. Here Enter the string ID in first box as I did 65442 (which has value Sat), Now in the comment box below it enter the value to be replaced as I did. Now click on Add button. You will see I have previously added some strings. So you can do it till infinite once you done, click Apply and all strings will be replaced.laughing


Actually There is many thing, you can do with my Tool also not very much but atleast you understand what an exe modding is basically. So now you can go for advance tool like for dialog editing soon I will integrate that too in my Software, till then use Resource Hacker or Resource Tuner. Also If you have any doubts in my Tool or want to report bugs contact me from my Main Website given in below links. For now I will see you AGAINcool


version 1.0

* Initial Release



Download Installer Zip Package here

Download Zip Package (Portable) here

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